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Epicypher热销产品——Nucleosome, Recombinant Human, H3K4me3 dNuc, Biotinylated


EpiCypher是一家为表观遗传学和染色质生物学研究提供高质量试剂和工具的专业制造商。EpiCypher生产的重组单核小体 (H3K4me3) 由 147 个DNA碱基对缠绕在组蛋白的八聚体核心(H2A、H2B、H3.2 和 H4 各两个)上构成,是染色质的基本单位。Lowary和Widom[1]鉴定的147bp 601序列对组蛋白八聚体具有高亲和力,可用于核小体组装。H3K4me3 dNuc 在组蛋白H3.2的第4位含有三甲基赖氨酸。H3K4me3在110位处有一个Cys到Ala的取代。该DNA含有一个5’biotin-TEG基团。EpiCypher生产的重组单核小体适用于多种应用,包括用作酶分析、高通量筛选和抑制剂测试、染色质结合研究、蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用分析、结构研究和效应蛋白结合实验中的底物。

[1] Lowary and Widom J. Mol. Biol. (1998). PMID: 9514715


宿主来源: Human

表达系统: E. coli & synthetic DNA

标签: Biotinylated

保存温度: Stable for six months at -80°C from date of receipt. For best results, aliquot and avoid freeze/thaws

产品形式: 0.977 mg/mL mononucleosome in 51.2 µL 10 mM Tris HCl pH 7.5, 25 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 2 mM DTT, 20% glycerol (27.3 µg protein, 50 µg DNA + protein)


Western blot data.png

Figure 1: Western blot data

Western Analysis of H3K4me3 dNuc. Top Panel: Unmodified   (EpiCypher 16-0006; 

Lane 1) and H3K4me3 (Lane 2) nucleosomes were probed   with an anti-H3K4me3 

antibody and analyzed via ECL readout. Only the H3K4me3   sample produced a 

detectable signal. Bottom Panel: Detail from Coomassie   stained gel showing unmodified 

(Lane 1) and H3K4me3 (Lane 2) nucleosomes.

Mass spec data.png

Figure 2: Mass spec data

Synthetic H3K4me3 histone analyzed by high resolution   mass spectrometry. 

Expected mass = 15,267.77 Da. Determined mass =   15,266.15 Da.

Protein Gel Data.png

Figure 3: Protein gel data

Coomassie stained SDS-PAGE gel of proteins in H3K4me3   dNuc (1 µg) demonstrates 

the purity of histones in the preparation. Sizes of   molecular weight markers and positions 

of the core histones (H2A, H2B, H3K4me3 and H4) are   indicated.

DNA Gel Data.png

Figure 4: DNA gel data

H3K4me3 dNuc resolved via native PAGE gel and stained   with ethidium bromide to 

visualize DNA. Lane 1: Free DNA (EpiCypher 18-0005; 100   ng). Lane 2: Intact 

H3K4me3 nucleosomes (400 ng).






Nucleosome,   Recombinant Human, H3K4me3 dNuc, Biotinylated

50 µg


Nucleosome,   Recombinant Human, H3K4me3 dNuc, Biotinylated

20 µg



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广州:020-87615159           上海: 021-34613729

代理品牌网站: www.qibantuliao.com 

自主品牌网站: www.neobiosescience.net