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    ENZO热销产品——ER-ID® Green assay kit内质网检测试剂盒(绿色)

    浏览次数: 30

    ENZO热销产品——ER-ID® Green assay kit内质网检测试剂盒(绿色)


    Enzo Life Sciences公司的ER-ID® Green assay kit适用于活细胞或破膜醛固定细胞的染色。微摩尔级浓度的ER-ID®绿色染料足以对哺乳动物细胞进行染色,在人宫颈癌细胞系、T淋巴细胞系、Jurkat 细胞系、HeLa 细胞系以及骨肉瘤上皮细胞U2-OS中已经得到了验证。ER-ID® Green assay kit专门用于表达RFP或OFP的细胞系,以及表达蓝色或青色荧光蛋白(BFP、CFP)的细胞。该试剂盒适用于活细胞或固定后细胞与探针(如标记抗体)或与Texas Red或香豆素类似光谱性质的其他荧光缀合物结合使用。



    ● 新型内质网染料,可用于活细胞、破膜细胞或固定细胞的染色

    ● 与常见荧光染料和荧光蛋白兼容

    ● 高耐光漂白性、抗浓度淬灭和光转换

    ● 生产严格,以控制和消除非特异性结果



    ● ER-ID®绿色染色与含有KDEL序列的钙网蛋白共定位,与橙色荧光蛋白(OFP)融合。

    ENZO热销产品——ER-ID® Green assay kit内质网检测试剂盒(绿色)


    ● 用ER-ID®绿色染料(A)、Hoechst 33342染料(B)对HeLa活细胞进行染色,得到的合成图像(C)。

    ENZO热销产品——ER-ID® Green assay kit内质网检测试剂盒(绿色)


    ● 用4%多聚甲醛固定HepG2细胞20分钟,并用ER-ID®标记30分钟。下图为标记3天后拍摄的照片。

    ENZO热销产品——ER-ID® Green assay kit内质网检测试剂盒(绿色)


    ● 将HepG2细胞与ER-ID®孵育30分钟,并用倒置显微镜(Zeiss)进行分析。

    ENZO热销产品——ER-ID® Green assay kit内质网检测试剂盒(绿色)




    ER-ID® Green assay kit




    500 assays


    A sample from each lot of ER-ID® Green assay kit is used to stain HeLa cells, using the procedures described in the user manual. The selectivity of the ER-ID® Green dye is evident.


    Fluorescence microscopy

    Enzo Life Sciences’ ER-ID® Green assay kit contains a novel endoplasmic reticulum-selective dye suitable for live cell, or detergent-permeabilized aldehyde-fixed cell staining.




    ER-ID® Green detection reagent: 50μl

    Hoechst 33342 nuclear stain: 50μl

    10X assay buffer: 15ml


    The ER-ID® Green assay kit is a member of the CELLESTIAL® product line, reagents and assay kits comprising fluorescent molecular probes that have been extensively benchmarked for live cell analysis applications. CELLESTIAL® reagents




    1. Molecular interplay between NOX1 and autophagy in cadmium-induced prostate carcinogenesis: A. Tyagi, et al.; Free Radic. Biol. Med. 199, 44 (2023) 

    2. Ammonia induces amyloidogenesis in astrocytes by promoting amyloid precursor protein translocations into the endoplasmic reticulum: A. Komatsu, et al.; J. Biol. Chem. 298, 101933 (2022) 

    3. PLP1 mutations in patients with multiple sclerosis: identification of a new mutation and potential pathogenicity of the mutations: N.C. Cloake, et al.; J. Clin. Med. 7, 342 (2018), Application(s): Fluorescence microscopy 

    4. Englerin A induces an acute inflammatory response and reveals lipid metabolism and ER stress as targetable vulnerabilities in renal cell carcinoma: A. Batova, et al.; PLoS One 12, e0172632 (2017), Application(s): Fluorescence microscopy

    5. Cell growth on (“Janus”) density gradients of bifunctional zeolite L crystals: N.S. Kehr, et al.; ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8, 35081 (2016)

    6. The parathyroid hormone second receptor PTH2R and its ligand tuberoinfundibular peptide of 39 residues TIP39 regulate intracellular calcium and influence keratinocyte differentiation: E. Sato, et al.; J. Invest. Dermatol. 136, 1449 (2016)

    7. Viral genome imaging of hepatitis C virus to probe heterogeneous viral infection and responses to antiviral therapies: V. Ramanan, et al.; Virology 494, 236 (2016), Application(s): Endoplasmic reticulum staining

    8. Localization-Dependent Cell-Killing Effects of Protoporphyrin (PPIX)-Lipid Micelles and Liposomes in Photodynamic Therapy: S. Tachikawa, et al.; Bioorg. Med. Chem. 23, 7578 (2015), Application(s): Cell staining



    ENZO热销产品——ER-ID® Green assay kit内质网检测试剂盒(绿色)

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